
Category: Positioning

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Importance of a professional Social Media account

The Importance and Opportunities of a Professional Social Media Account

Struggling to Be Seen? Let’s Make Your Business Shine on Social Media! Let me start with an example. An expert in high-quality wooden furniture and his team put a lot of heart and soul into their business, but despite their best efforts, it felt like no one knew they existed. They saw competitors with less…
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Costa Rica Beach

Navigating Service Business in Costa Rica y Panama

-> Key Differneces and Opportunities Expanding or relocating your service business internationally to Costa Rica or Panama can be a strategic move to access new markets, diversify revenue streams and mitigate risk. However, if you are considering Costa Rica or Panama, there are some important points to keep in mind. The clocks tick a little…
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Christine's turtle - the first step

The first Step – Mastering Challenges

In all situations in life, whether professional or private, we are constantly faced with unknown situations that we have to master. Some situations are easy to solve, and we already have initial ideas in our heads on how to implement them. But some situations scare us or seem almost impossible to solve. Just do the first step.

Agile Coaching Project Management

Embracing Agile Magic in Vision & Strategy: A Journey through Transformation

Greetings, fellow Agile enthusiasts! 🎉 Today, I’m excited to take you on a thrilling adventure through the dynamic world of Agile coaching in the Vision & Strategy phase of a transformation process. As an Agile Coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible impact of Agile methodologies on driving change, and I’m here to share some of…
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Pfisterer Marketing - Market Analyzing Positioning

Analyzing Your Market- the Key of effective Positioning

As the digital landscape continues to evolve at a fast pace, one thing remains constant: the importance of understanding and analyzing your market. As an experienced Digital Marketing Manager, I can attest that effective market analysis lays the foundation for successful positioning in today’s competitive business environment. In this article, I will delve into the pivotal role of market analysis, the power of marketing analytics, and the transformative potential of AI-driven content creation.